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swissMunicipalities gives access to official historicized lists of municipalities of Switzerland using the official REST API of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.

More information about the API can be found here.


You can install the development version of swissMunicipalities like so:



Get historicized lists of Swiss municipalities


Use get_snapshots() to get a “snapshot” of all municipalities (Level = 1), districts (Level = 2) and cantons (Level = 3) as of today.

snapshot <- get_snapshots() # snapshot of today by default

## # A tibble: 2,300 × 29
##    Identi…¹ Valid…² ValidTo Level Parent Name_en Name_fr Name_de Name_it ABBRE…³
##       <dbl> <chr>   <lgl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
##  1        1 12.09.… NA          1     NA Zürich  Zürich  Zürich  Zürich  ZH     
##  2    10053 12.09.… NA          2      1 Bezirk… Bezirk… Bezirk… Bezirk… Affolt…
##  3    10575 12.09.… NA          3  10053 Stalli… Stalli… Stalli… Stalli… <NA>   
##  4    11742 12.09.… NA          3  10053 Affolt… Affolt… Affolt… Affolt… <NA>   
##  5    11801 12.09.… NA          3  10053 Bonste… Bonste… Bonste… Bonste… <NA>   
##  6    11992 01.01.… NA          3  10053 Hausen… Hausen… Hausen… Hausen… <NA>   
##  7    12249 12.09.… NA          3  10053 Heding… Heding… Heding… Heding… <NA>   
##  8    12433 12.09.… NA          3  10053 Mettme… Mettme… Mettme… Mettme… <NA>   
##  9    12497 12.09.… NA          3  10053 Obfeld… Obfeld… Obfeld… Obfeld… <NA>   
## 10    12671 01.01.… NA          3  10053 Kappel… Kappel… Kappel… Kappel… <NA>   
## # … with 2,290 more rows, 19 more variables: ABBREV_1_Text_fr <chr>,
## #   ABBREV_1_Text_de <chr>, ABBREV_1_Text_it <chr>, ABBREV_1_Text <chr>,
## #   CODE_OFS_1_Text_en <dbl>, CODE_OFS_1_Text_fr <dbl>,
## #   CODE_OFS_1_Text_de <dbl>, CODE_OFS_1_Text_it <dbl>, CODE_OFS_1_Text <dbl>,
## #   INSCRIPTION_1_Text_en <dbl>, INSCRIPTION_1_Text_fr <dbl>,
## #   INSCRIPTION_1_Text_de <dbl>, INSCRIPTION_1_Text_it <dbl>,
## #   INSCRIPTION_1_Text <dbl>, REC_TYPE_1_Text_en <lgl>, …

By default, the FSO number is returned. To get the historicized ID, add hist_id = TRUE in the get_snapshots() function.

If you want to get a snapshot of a given period, use the that exist for at least part of the specified period (or of a specified day when start_period and end_period have the exact same date).

get_snapshots(start_period = "2023-01-01", end_period = "2023-12-31")
## # A tibble: 2,305 × 34
##    Identi…¹ Valid…² ValidTo Level Parent Name_en Name_fr Name_de Name_it ABBRE…³
##       <dbl> <chr>   <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
##  1        1 12.09.… <NA>        1     NA Zürich  Zürich  Zürich  Zürich  ZH     
##  2    10053 12.09.… <NA>        2      1 Bezirk… Bezirk… Bezirk… Bezirk… Affolt…
##  3    10575 12.09.… <NA>        3  10053 Stalli… Stalli… Stalli… Stalli… <NA>   
##  4    11742 12.09.… <NA>        3  10053 Affolt… Affolt… Affolt… Affolt… <NA>   
##  5    11801 12.09.… <NA>        3  10053 Bonste… Bonste… Bonste… Bonste… <NA>   
##  6    11992 01.01.… <NA>        3  10053 Hausen… Hausen… Hausen… Hausen… <NA>   
##  7    12249 12.09.… <NA>        3  10053 Heding… Heding… Heding… Heding… <NA>   
##  8    12433 12.09.… <NA>        3  10053 Mettme… Mettme… Mettme… Mettme… <NA>   
##  9    12497 12.09.… <NA>        3  10053 Obfeld… Obfeld… Obfeld… Obfeld… <NA>   
## 10    12671 01.01.… <NA>        3  10053 Kappel… Kappel… Kappel… Kappel… <NA>   
## # … with 2,295 more rows, 24 more variables: ABBREV_1_Text_fr <chr>,
## #   ABBREV_1_Text_de <chr>, ABBREV_1_Text_it <chr>, ABBREV_1_Text <chr>,
## #   CODE_OFS_1_Text_en <dbl>, CODE_OFS_1_Text_fr <dbl>,
## #   CODE_OFS_1_Text_de <dbl>, CODE_OFS_1_Text_it <dbl>, CODE_OFS_1_Text <dbl>,
## #   INSCRIPTION_1_Text_en <dbl>, INSCRIPTION_1_Text_fr <dbl>,
## #   INSCRIPTION_1_Text_de <dbl>, INSCRIPTION_1_Text_it <dbl>,
## #   INSCRIPTION_1_Text <dbl>, RADIATION_1_Text_en <dbl>, …

ℹ️ When using start_period and end_period arguments, the date should be in format “yyyy-mm-dd” (for example “2024-08-01”).

Using the Level column, you can extract the existing list of cantons (Level = 1), districts (Level = 2) and municipalities (Level = 3) and join them to consolidate the municipality dataset.

library(dplyr) # just for data wrangling examples

municipalities <- snapshot |> 
  filter(Level == 3) |>
  rename_with(~ paste0(.x, "_municipality", recycle0 = TRUE)) |>

districts <- snapshot |> 
  filter(Level == 2) |>
  rename_with(~ paste0(.x, "_district", recycle0 = TRUE)) |>

cantons <- snapshot |> 
  filter(Level == 1) |>
  rename_with(~ paste0(.x, "_canton", recycle0 = TRUE)) |>

# consolidate municipality data with districts and cantons levels
municipalities_consolidated <- municipalities |>
  left_join(districts, by = join_by(Parent_municipality == Identifier_district)) |>
  left_join(cantons, by = join_by(Parent_district == Identifier_canton)) |>
  rename(Identifier_district = Parent_municipality, Identifier_canton = Parent_district) |>
  select(starts_with(c("Identifier", "Name", "ABBREV", "Valid")), everything()) |>
  arrange(Identifier_municipality, Identifier_district)

# get all municipalities of St. Gallen for the given period
municipalities_consolidated |>
  filter(Name_de_canton == "St. Gallen")
## # A tibble: 75 × 82
##    Identifier_…¹ Ident…² Ident…³ Name_…⁴ Name_…⁵ Name_…⁶ Name_…⁷ Name_…⁸ Name_…⁹
##            <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
##  1         14378   10266      17 Häggen… Häggen… Häggen… Häggen… Wahlkr… Wahlkr…
##  2         14379   10266      17 Muolen  Muolen  Muolen  Muolen  Wahlkr… Wahlkr…
##  3         14380   10266      17 St. Ga… St. Ga… St. Ga… St. Ga… Wahlkr… Wahlkr…
##  4         14381   10266      17 Witten… Witten… Witten… Witten… Wahlkr… Wahlkr…
##  5         14382   10265      17 Berg (… Berg (… Berg (… Berg (… Wahlkr… Wahlkr…
##  6         14383   10266      17 Eggers… Eggers… Eggers… Eggers… Wahlkr… Wahlkr…
##  7         14384   10265      17 Goldach Goldach Goldach Goldach Wahlkr… Wahlkr…
##  8         14385   10265      17 Mörsch… Mörsch… Mörsch… Mörsch… Wahlkr… Wahlkr…
##  9         14386   10265      17 Rorsch… Rorsch… Rorsch… Rorsch… Wahlkr… Wahlkr…
## 10         14387   10265      17 Rorsch… Rorsch… Rorsch… Rorsch… Wahlkr… Wahlkr…
## # … with 65 more rows, 73 more variables: Name_de_district <chr>,
## #   Name_it_district <chr>, Name_en_canton <chr>, Name_fr_canton <chr>,
## #   Name_de_canton <chr>, Name_it_canton <chr>,
## #   ABBREV_1_Text_en_municipality <chr>, ABBREV_1_Text_fr_municipality <chr>,
## #   ABBREV_1_Text_de_municipality <chr>, ABBREV_1_Text_it_municipality <chr>,
## #   ABBREV_1_Text_municipality <chr>, ABBREV_1_Text_en_district <chr>,
## #   ABBREV_1_Text_fr_district <chr>, ABBREV_1_Text_de_district <chr>, …

Note that the CODE_OFS* variables refers to the official Swiss community identification number (also called “GEOSTAT”/“BFS” number) and the CODE_HIST* corresponds to the “historical number”.


Access all the mutation list which describes all changes related to municipalities that occurred during the specified period.

To exclude records that only concern territory changes, use include_territory_exchange = FALSE.

  start_period = "2023-01-01", 
  end_period = "2023-12-31", 
  include_territory_exchange = FALSE
## # A tibble: 13 × 14
##    MutationNum…¹ Mutat…² Initi…³ Initi…⁴ Initi…⁵ Initi…⁶ Initi…⁷ Initi…⁸ Termi…⁹
##            <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>     <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1          3964 01.01.…   11735      21 Adlikon   10082 Bezirk…      29   16621
##  2          3964 01.01.…   12173      32 Humlik…   10082 Bezirk…      29   16621
##  3          3964 01.01.…   13214      30 Andelf…   10082 Bezirk…      26   16621
##  4          3965 01.01.…   15116     536 Diemer…   10288 Verwal…      29   16622
##  5          3966 01.01.…   14441    3372 Hemberg   10264 Wahlkr…      29   16623
##  6          3966 01.01.…   14444    3375 Oberhe…   10264 Wahlkr…      29   16623
##  7          3966 01.01.…   14950    3378 Necker…   10264 Wahlkr…      26   16623
##  8          3967 01.01.…   13302    6744 La Cha…   10225 Distri…      29   16624
##  9          3968 01.01.…   11503    4133 Burg (…   10022 Bezirk…      29   16625
## 10          3969 01.01.…   10849    4179 Ueken     10021 Bezirk…      29   16626
## 11          3969 01.01.…   12317    4166 Herzna…   10021 Bezirk…      29   16626
## 12          3970 01.01.…   13334    6787 Damphr…   10226 Distri…      29   16627
## 13          3970 01.01.…   13340    6793 Lugnez    10226 Distri…      29   16627
## # … with 5 more variables: TerminalCode <dbl>, TerminalName <chr>,
## #   TerminalParentHistoricalCode <dbl>, TerminalParentName <chr>,
## #   TerminalStep <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names ¹​MutationNumber,
## #   ²​MutationDate, ³​InitialHistoricalCode, ⁴​InitialCode, ⁵​InitialName,
## #   ⁶​InitialParentHistoricalCode, ⁷​InitialParentName, ⁸​InitialStep,
## #   ⁹​TerminalHistoricalCode


Get the municipality correspondances, which indicates for each municipality existing at the start_period time, which is/are the corresponding municipality(ies) at the end_period time.

To exclude districts and municipalities that have not undergone any changes, add include_unmodified = FALSE.

  start_period = "2022-01-01", 
  end_period = "2022-12-31", 
  include_unmodified = FALSE, 
  include_territory_exchange = FALSE
## # A tibble: 5 × 12
##   InitialHisto…¹ Initi…² Initi…³ Initi…⁴ Initi…⁵ Initi…⁶ Termi…⁷ Termi…⁸ Termi…⁹
##            <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>     <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>  
## 1          12412    5197 Melano    10003 Distre…      29   16619    5240 Val Ma…
## 2          12762    5195 Marogg…   10003 Distre…      29   16619    5240 Val Ma…
## 3          12848    5219 Rovio     10003 Distre…      29   16619    5240 Val Ma…
## 4          14099    3103 Rüte      10252 Kanton…      29   16620    3112 Schwen…
## 5          14101    3105 Schwen…   10252 Kanton…      29   16620    3112 Schwen…
## # … with 3 more variables: TerminalParentHistoricalCode <dbl>,
## #   TerminalParentName <chr>, TerminalStep <dbl>, and abbreviated variable
## #   names ¹​InitialHistoricalCode, ²​InitialCode, ³​InitialName,
## #   ⁴​InitialParentHistoricalCode, ⁵​InitialParentName, ⁶​InitialStep,
## #   ⁷​TerminalHistoricalCode, ⁸​TerminalCode, ⁹​TerminalName


The geographical levels offer several classifications of municipalities according to, for example, linguistic regions, agglomerations or even the degree of urbanization.

By default, the FSO number is returned. To get the historicized ID, add hist_id = TRUE in the get_levels() function. You can change the label_languages between French (“fr”), German (“de”), Italian (“it”) and English (“en”).

get_levels(label_languages = "de") # as of today by default
## # A tibble: 2,131 × 57
##    Identifier Name_de    CODE_…¹ HR_HG…² HR_HG…³ HR_HG…⁴ HR_HG…⁵ HR_AG…⁶ HR_AG…⁷
##         <dbl> <chr>        <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>     <dbl> <chr>     <dbl> <chr>  
##  1      10009 Villnache…    4122      19 Aargau    10023 Bezirk…       0 keine …
##  2      10078 Vionnaz       6158      23 Valais…   10013 Distri…       0 keine …
##  3      10157 Speicher      3023      15 Appenz…   10098 Bezirk…    3203 St. Ga…
##  4      10159 Zwischber…    6011      23 Valais…   10035 Bezirk…    6002 Brig –…
##  5      10162 Villars-s…    2228      10 Fribou…   10104 Distri…    2196 Fribou…
##  6      10165 Villarsel…    2230      10 Fribou…   10104 Distri…    2196 Fribou…
##  7      10242 Wila           181       1 Zürich    10076 Bezirk…       0 keine …
##  8      10268 Wil (ZH)        71       1 Zürich    10081 Bezirk…     261 Zürich 
##  9      10275 Wettingen     4045      19 Aargau    10025 Bezirk…    4021 Baden …
## 10      10277 Wetzikon …     121       1 Zürich    10079 Bezirk…     261 Zürich 
## # … with 2,121 more rows, 48 more variables: HR_AGGL2020 <dbl>,
## #   HR_AGGL2020_Name_de <chr>, HR_AGGLGK2012_L1 <dbl>,
## #   HR_AGGLGK2012_L1_Name_de <chr>, HR_AGGLGK2012_L2 <dbl>,
## #   HR_AGGLGK2012_L2_Name_de <chr>, HR_AGGLGK2020_L1 <dbl>,
## #   HR_AGGLGK2020_L1_Name_de <chr>, HR_AGGLGK2020_L2 <dbl>,
## #   HR_AGGLGK2020_L2_Name_de <chr>, HR_BAE2018_L1 <chr>,
## #   HR_BAE2018_L1_Name_de <chr>, HR_BAE2018_L2 <chr>, …


This R package is inspired by swissmuni created by Salim Brüggemann. As swissmuni is available only for the latest version of R and rely on several R package dependencies which are not on CRAN, this R package provides a simplified R wrapper of the API with minimal dependencies so it can be used on older versions of R (R >= 4.0).