the correspondences indicate for each municipality existing at the
time, which is/are the corresponding municipality(ies) at the
- start_period
Start of requested period
- end_period
End of requested period
- include_unmodified
Include municipalities that have not undergone any changes
- include_territory_exchange
Include/exclude records that only concern territory changes.
- escape_chars
Defines forbidden characters in the response and their respective escape characters. For example, with the value "/( ).(_)", all slashes in the response will be replaced with a space while periods are replaced with underscore.
- name_repair
is used internally and ensures column names are "unique" using the "name_repeir" argument.
# \donttest{
get_correspondances(start_period = "2024-01-01", end_period = "2024-08-01")
#> # A tibble: 4 × 12
#> InitialHistoricalCode InitialCode InitialName InitialParentHistoricalCode
#> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 12547 64 Nürensdorf 10081
#> 2 12547 64 Nürensdorf 10081
#> 3 12673 62 Kloten 10081
#> 4 12673 62 Kloten 10081
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: InitialParentName <chr>, InitialStep <dbl>,
#> # TerminalHistoricalCode <dbl>, TerminalCode <dbl>, TerminalName <chr>,
#> # TerminalParentHistoricalCode <dbl>, TerminalParentName <chr>,
#> # TerminalStep <dbl>
# }