The geographical levels offer several classifications of municipalities according to, for example, linguistic regions, agglomerations or even the degree of urbanization.
- start_period
Start of requested period
- end_period
End of requested period
- escape_chars
Defines forbidden characters in the response and their respective escape characters. For example, with the value "/( ).(_)", all slashes in the response will be replaced with a space while periods are replaced with underscore.
- hist_id
Determines whether BFSNR (snapshot) or HISTID (geographic levels) will be delivered.
- label_languages
Include labels for the specified languages. Languages are specified using the ISO 639-1 code (i.e., French ("fr"), German ("de"), Italian ("it") and English ("en")) and are separated by a comma ",".
- name_repair
is used internally and ensures column names are "unique" using the "name_repeir" argument.
# \donttest{
start_period = "2024-01-01",
end_period = "2024-08-01"
#> Warning: One or more parsing issues, call `problems()` on your data frame for details,
#> e.g.:
#> dat <- vroom(...)
#> problems(dat)
#> # A tibble: 2,133 × 33
#> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 10009 Villnachern 4122 19 10023 0
#> 2 10078 Vionnaz 6158 23 10013 0
#> 3 10157 Speicher 3023 15 10098 3203
#> 4 10159 Zwischbergen 6011 23 10035 6002
#> 5 10162 Villars-sur-… 2228 10 10104 2196
#> 6 10165 Villarsel-su… 2230 10 10104 2196
#> 7 10242 Wila 181 1 10076 0
#> 8 10268 Wil (ZH) 71 1 10081 261
#> 9 10275 Wettingen 4045 19 10025 4021
#> 10 10277 Wetzikon (ZH) 121 1 10079 261
#> # ℹ 2,123 more rows
#> # ℹ 27 more variables: HR_AGGL2020 <dbl>, HR_AGGLGK2012_L1 <dbl>,
#> # HR_AGGLGK2012_L2 <dbl>, HR_AGGLGK2020_L1 <dbl>, HR_AGGLGK2020_L2 <dbl>,
#> # HR_BAE2018_L1 <chr>, HR_BAE2018_L2 <chr>, HR_DEGURB2011 <dbl>,
#> # HR_FUA2014 <dbl>, HR_GCITIES2011 <dbl>, HR_GDETYP2012_L1 <dbl>,
#> # HR_GDETYP2012_L2 <dbl>, HR_GDETYP2012_L3 <dbl>, HR_GDETYP2020_L1 <dbl>,
#> # HR_GDETYP2020_L2 <dbl>, HR_GDETYP2020_L3 <dbl>, HR_MONT2019 <dbl>, …
# }