a snapshot is the list of municipalities that exist for at least part of the
specified period (or the specified day when start_period
= end_period
- start_period
Start of requested period
- end_period
End of requested period
- escape_chars
Defines forbidden characters in the response and their respective escape characters. For example, with the value "/( ).(_)", all slashes in the response will be replaced with a space while periods are replaced with underscore.
- hist_id
Determines whether BFSNR (snapshot) or HISTID (geographic levels) will be delivered.
- name_repair
is used internally and ensures column names are "unique" using the "name_repair" argument.
# \donttest{
start_period = "2024-01-01",
end_period = "2024-08-01"
#> # A tibble: 2,302 × 34
#> Identifier ValidFrom ValidTo Level Parent Name_en Name_fr Name_de Name_it
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 12.09.1848 NA 1 NA Zürich Zürich Zürich Zürich
#> 2 10053 12.09.1848 NA 2 1 Bezirk Af… Bezirk… Bezirk… Bezirk…
#> 3 10575 12.09.1848 NA 3 10053 Stallikon Stalli… Stalli… Stalli…
#> 4 11742 12.09.1848 NA 3 10053 Affoltern… Affolt… Affolt… Affolt…
#> 5 11801 12.09.1848 NA 3 10053 Bonstetten Bonste… Bonste… Bonste…
#> 6 11992 01.01.1911 NA 3 10053 Hausen am… Hausen… Hausen… Hausen…
#> 7 12249 12.09.1848 NA 3 10053 Hedingen Heding… Heding… Heding…
#> 8 12433 12.09.1848 NA 3 10053 Mettmenst… Mettme… Mettme… Mettme…
#> 9 12497 12.09.1848 NA 3 10053 Obfelden Obfeld… Obfeld… Obfeld…
#> 10 12671 01.01.1911 NA 3 10053 Kappel am… Kappel… Kappel… Kappel…
#> # ℹ 2,292 more rows
#> # ℹ 25 more variables: ABBREV_1_Text_en <chr>, ABBREV_1_Text_fr <chr>,
#> # ABBREV_1_Text_de <chr>, ABBREV_1_Text_it <chr>, ABBREV_1_Text <chr>,
#> # CODE_OFS_1_Text_en <dbl>, CODE_OFS_1_Text_fr <dbl>,
#> # CODE_OFS_1_Text_de <dbl>, CODE_OFS_1_Text_it <dbl>, CODE_OFS_1_Text <dbl>,
#> # INSCRIPTION_1_Text_en <dbl>, INSCRIPTION_1_Text_fr <dbl>,
#> # INSCRIPTION_1_Text_de <dbl>, INSCRIPTION_1_Text_it <dbl>, …
# }