Collaboration workflow
This document presents the phases of the SwissStatsR collaboration workflow.
1. Your Code
2. GitHub Private
- Once your submission is accepted, peer reviewing starts with SwissStatsR members.
- You should have an account on GitHub.
- Hosting on our SwissStatsR GitHub is recommended but not mandatory.
3. GitHub Public
- SwissStatsR public release of R code is only possible as an open-source R package.
- The R package can be hosted on any GitHub repository, including SwissStatsR GitHub, or another DevOps public provider1.
- The R package should have an GitHub Action R-CMD-Check badge:
- The R package should have an open source license such as MIT, GPL or LGPL:
- for example:
- for example:
4. R-Universe
- The open source R package should pass R-CMD-Check.
- It should also be well documented.
- Unit tests are recommended but not mandatory.
- Adding a SwissStatsR badge is optional.
- Once the R package hits the SwissStatsR Universe, it will be added on
6. Promotion (optional)
Contact information can be found in the About section.
The use of GitHub is recommended to ease collaboration and leverage R-CMD-Check GitHub Actions.↩︎